How To Summarize Data in Excel: Top 10 Ways

Top 10 Ways To Summarize Data in Excel

You’ve got some data in Excel, and you want to summarize it quickly. There’s not much time, and your client or boss needs information right away.

Apply any of these Top 10 Techniques to Summarize Data Quickly with in-built Excel Functions and FeaturesYou’ll get instant results to satisfy most requirements fast.

Microsoft Excel has become the easiest way to analyze data quickly. Several Summary functions, Pivot Tables, What-If Analysis, and other powerful features & methods are available for your use within Microsoft Excel right out of the box. Learn them, and your data analysis will become a breeze.

Here are the Top 10 Ways to Summarize Data in Excel Quickly

These data analysis & summarization tips will work in Microsoft Excel 365, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007 & even Excel 2003. Further, they work on Excel for Windows as well as Microsoft Excel running on a Mac.

These Data Summarization Tips are listed in the order of the easiest to implement to the ones that need a bit more time. Some of the more complex data summarization methods will actually add more value to your data analysis.

  1. Get The Data Ready For Summarization
  2. Quick Summary With Auto Functions
  3. Fast Analysis With Sort & Filter
  4. Summarize Data With SubTotal Feature
  5. Summarize Data With an Excel Table
  6. Using Slicers to Summarize by different dimensions
  7. Summarize With Excel Pivot Tables
  8. Summarize Data With Excel Functions
  9. Advanced Excel Functions for Summarizing Data
  10. Summarize With Descriptive Statistics From Analysis Toolpak

You can apply the different ways to summarize data based on your familiarity with Excel.

The easiest methods of summarization are listed in the beginning.

And the Pivot Table technique is one of my favorite for a quick and dirty data summarization within Microsoft Excel. It always begins to give me numerous insights into the data.

We cover how to use the Pivot Table to Summarize Data in depth later in this article.

Let’s get started by exploring the different methods of summarizing data.

1. Get The Data Ready For Summarization

Before you begin your summarization, it is important to make sure that your original data is in a good shape.

Duplicate, a blank cell or missing values can often spoil your data summarization.

You need to make sure that the data range is correctly set up before you begin to analyze the data. Also, ensure there is no blank columns in between adjacent cells.

Clean Excel Data Before You Summarize it

Ensure Proper Column Headings.

For each column, make sure that you have a short and unique column heading. Don’t leave any column without a heading, even though it may be obvious. Column Heading will make it easy to analyze data with any tool in Excel. This way the top row becomes the Header row.

Remove any Duplicates.

Duplicate rows can often sneak in from the data capture sources. So whether you capture data from the Web, or SalesForce, SAP or load from Text or CSV files, the first thing is to clean up the duplicates. To remove duplicates, click within the data range, and go to the Data Menu.

Data > Remove Duplicates.

That’s it, your data will now be cleaner.

Get Rid of Blank Rows:

While blank rows make the data look more readable and easier, it is a bane for data analysis. We do not want blanks to sneak in and skew our averages and other statistical calculations. By sorting the data with the different column headings, the blanks will get separated either to the top or to the bottom. Then you can simply delete these rows if they do not contain any other data points.

Don’t leave blank cells as blanks, specially if there is no value.

It is better to have a 0 than a blank value in any cell. For the text column, if the value is not known, it is better to have a NA (Not Available) showing up.

Having the data cleaned up is the first step in any data analysis. Now you can begin to apply the various data summarization methods.


2. Quick Summary With Auto Functions

The fastest way to summarize data is to calculate the Totals, count the number of entries, find out the average value, and figure out the highest and lowest values.

These 5 functions provide the vital stats of the data. These are the most basic and essential functions… just like a visit to a doctor starts with the nurse checking your vitals – height, weight and blood pressure.

Quick Summary of Excel Data With Auto Functions

These 5 numbers will provide a quick summary of your data. Here’s how to do this.

Here’s How To Create a Summary Section on Top of Your Data

Calculate SUM: Click on the Autosum icon on the Home tab of Microsoft Office to activate the Sum function of Excel. Then select the data range of the column you want to summarize. Here’s an example:

Calculate COUNT: Click on the drop-down icon on the Autosum button on the Home tab of Microsoft Excel. Choose Count from the list. Then select the data range of the column you want to count. You can use the count function only for numeric columns like Salary, Sales, Quantity etc. using this function. So don’t try this on a text column like Country or Department.

Calculate AVERAGE: Click on the drop-down icon on the Autosum button on the Home tab of Microsoft Excel. Choose Average from the list. Then select the data range of the column you want to Average. You can only average the numeric columns like Quantity, Profit, ROI etc. using this function. Here’s an example:

Calculate Highest Values: Click on the drop-down icon on the Autosum button on the Home tab of Microsoft Excel. Choose Maximum from the list. Then select the data range of the column you want to choose for picking up the highest value. You can only pick numeric columns like Quantity, Profit, ROI etc. using this function. Here’s an example:

Calculate Lowest Values: Click on the drop-down icon on the Autosum button on the Home tab of Microsoft Excel. Choose Minimum from the list. Then select the data range of the column you want to choose for picking up the lowest value. You can only pick numeric columns like Quantity, Profit, ROI etc. using this function.

Calculating the Sum, Count, Average, Min & Max are the fastest ways to get started in your journey to view summary data quickly.


3. Fast Analysis With Sort & Filter

If you sort the data by any key column like Country, Department, Category, Product, Zone, Area etc., then it becomes super easy to analyze data.

To sort the data on any column, follow these steps. Go to

Home > Sort & Filter > Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A.

This will sort the data in your chosen way (ascending or descending) for the column you are in.

Then click on the Filter icon. This will set up auto filters on top of all column headings. Now when you filter on any column, only values for that column will be visible. Unfiltered values are hidden, and visible data corresponds to the Filter selections.

After you have filtered for any particular selection, you can also highlight any numeric column, and see the summary being displayed at the bottom Excel bar.

At one time, you can see the Sum, Count, Average, Maximum & Minimum values from the selected range.

Use Sorting & Filtering With Excel Data

Now you can begin to summarize data for any selection, the way you want it.


4. Summarize Data With Subtotal Command:

If the data is already sorted, you are now ready to explore the Subtotal feature of Excel. This hidden gem has been languishing in Excel since the early 1990s, and very few people use it.

To add subtotals to your summary, first, clear all filters. And then Sort on the column that you want to add subtotal for.

The Subtotal feature is available on the Data tab of Excel.

Using SubTotal in Excel To Summarize Data Fast

Go to Data > Subtotal.

Choose the function to perform (Sum, Count, average etc), for the numeric column, and group by the desired column.

As an example, to get the subtotals of the number of employees by each department, it should say: At each change in Department, Count, number of Employees.

Using Subtotal to Summarize Data in Excel
Using Subtotal to Summarize Data in Excel

Click OK, and you should see the subtotal rows from the data in Excel. In the end, you will also see the Grand Totals calculated.

Result of Subtotal Command in Excel
Results of Performing a Subtotal in Excel

You can clear the subtotals, and perform the subtotals again at any time. To clear the subtotals, go to Data > Subtotal > Remove All. The subtotals and the Grand total row are all removed completely.

5. Summarize Data With an Excel Table

Microsoft Excel 2007 brought a new feature called Tables, which are amazing at doing simple summarization from a table of data.

To begin, stay within the data range on the Excel sheet. Then click

Home > Format as Table.

Select any colour you prefer, and click OK. Excel automatically recognizes whether the data selection has headers or not.

Now you have a new tab added to the Excel menu, at the end. It is called Table Design.

Convert To Excel Tables For a Quick Analysis

Select it, and check the Total Row checkbox. Now you have an additional total row added at the bottom of the data. Every column on the total row is a total calculator. Simply click on the dropdown showing in the total row cells, and choose an appropriate summarization – sum, count or average. Now that column will show a total sum or total count or total average of that column.

The great thing is that now if you filter the list, the totals will change dynamically. No need to call the Subtotal function every time. This technique of data summarization is better than the manual methods of subtotal.

Result of Table Counts in Excel
Results of Total Row in an Excel Table

Begin using the Table features if you haven’t done so already.


6. Using Slicers to Summarize by different dimensions

Beginning Excel 2010, Microsoft added the Slicers functionality which takes the Tables to greater heights.

Instead of filtering each column one by one, you can now create a slice of the data from the Excel spreadsheet at any time.

Go to Table Design > Insert Slicer > Pick the column of your choice that you want to filter on.

Use Slicers to Dice the Data Anyway in Excel

Now you can click on any value in the slicer, and the data is instantly filtered. You can make multiple selections, by holding the control key.

And more than 1 slicer can be added, giving you multiple combinations of slices. The total row updates automatically as each selection is made. This is truly slice and dice of data, allowing you to summarize data in Excel spreadsheets just by using a mouse. No formulas or lengthy steps are involved.


7. Summarize With Excel Pivot Tables

Pivot tables have been in Excel for over 30 years. They are the most used feature of Excel, as it allows for business analysts & managers to manipulate and analyze data in countless better ways.

A pivot table is actually a summary table, which allows you to slice and dice the data by different dimensions.

Using Pivot Tables for Excel Data Analysis

Pivot tables are easy to get started with.

To create a pivot table, Stay within your dataset. Then go to Insert > Pivot Table. The entire dataset is selected. Click OK and a new pivot table is created in a new worksheet by default.

Click on the column that you want to summarize on, from the pivot table field list on the right side of the screen. In our example, we check the Department and Sales amount from the field list. Instantly, the total sales per department are calculated and populated in the pivot table on the left. Notice that Excel generates a unique list of departments, without any duplicates.

To visualize both the Sum & Count of the data points, you can drag one more copy of the Sales into the Values Area section. Then right-click on the value, and choose

Summarize Values by > Count.

Similarly, you can change the calculation type, and pick up Average, Max, Min. This way, you can have all the vital statistics about your data summarized by each department.

Additionally, to see the percentage of sales done by each department,

Right Click on any numeric value in the pivot table, and choose Show Value As > % of Grand Total.

This will instantly calculate the % of contribution done by each department. The grand total will show 100% of the sales.

It is a good idea to sort the % of Grand Total value from highest to lowest by value, showing the highest values on the top.

You can then add a further selection in the rows or columns, to get a 3D view of your data. As you can see, Pivot Table is a powerful tool that can get the analysis done the fastest!

As you learn more about the Pivot Tables, you’ll realize that they can be used to summarize data from a single worksheet or multiple worksheets.

A pivot can even summarize data from multiple workbooks too. This is a must-learn feature of Microsoft Excel. You can attend an Advanced Excel Training in Singapore at Intellisoft, where I teach this class.

8. Summarize Data With Excel Functions

Use Excel Functions to Summarize Information

To get the most flexibility, you can actually write your own summary functions within Excel, by using the following formulas.

We have already covered the Autosum features of Excel which generate the Sum, Count & Average. Now we will look at how to write these functions manually.

To Sum a range of data, use =SUM(range) in the formula bar.

To Count a range of numeric data cells, use =COUNT(range). This generates a numeric count.

To count a range of alpha-numeric data cells, use =COUNTA(range). COUNTA can be used to count both numeric and non-numeric data.

To find the average of any data, use =AVERAGE(range).


9. Advanced Excel Functions for Summarizing Data

The real power of Excel functions is when you go beyond the basic summary functions and do some advanced data analysis.

Advanced SUMIF Functions to Summarize DataYou can use the following Excel formulas

Sum the data conditionally. For example, if we want to summarize the monthly sales only for a particular country, we can use the Excel Sumif function:

=SUMIF(country data range, select_country, monthly sales data range)

Similarly, to count the number of products sold by a country, we can count by using the COUNTIF function of Excel

=COUNTIF(country data range, select_country, monthly sales data range)

And average sales per country can be analyzed by using the following formula of AVERAGEIF.

=AVERAGEIF(country data range, select_country, monthly sales data range)

For multiple, if conditions, you can use the sumifs function to summarize data by your chosen selection. These functions can really cut down your data analysis time when you have large amounts of data to summarize.


10. Summarize With Descriptive Statistics From Analysis Toolpack

Finally, Microsoft Excel has the Data Analysis Toolpak, a hidden Statistical Analysis tool, that can calculate the Median, Standard Deviation, Variance, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and much more in a single click.

To enable the Data Analysis feature in Excel, you must go to

File > Options > Add Ins.

Then select the Data Analysis ToolPak if it is inactive. You might have to click on the Go button at the bottom. Choose the Toolpak, and click OK. This will add a Data Analysis button on the Data tab of Excel, at the end. Check it out. Once this button is enabled, it stays active, and you can use it subsequently anytime.

Using Descriptive Statistics

To use this Data Analysis ToolPak, go to

Data Analysis > Descriptive Statistics.

Select the Entire numeric column that you want to analyze in the Input Range. Check the Labels in First Row checkbox if your data has a header.

Then check the output box radio button, and key in a cell address where you want the summary statistics to be generated. Check Summary Statistics, and click OK.

Analysis Toolpack To Summarize Data With Excel

The full descriptive statistics are displayed instantly. This final result is a detailed Statistical Analysis of your data.

Descriptive Statistics Result from Analysis Toolpak
Descriptive Statistics Result from Analysis Toolpak

Multiple Ways to Summarize Data in Excel – Conclusion

There are so many different ways to summarize data in Excel. Mastering them will improve your data analysis skills, and you will be on your way to huge success, by taking action on the insights gleaned from your data analysis.

Recap of Top 10 Ways to Summarize Data with Excel

Go ahead and try them out.

Each technique is a gem, and adds to your skills in Excel data analysis.

Vinai Prakash

About Vinai Prakash: Vinai is a prolific speaker, author, entrepreneur and coach on the topics of Data Analytics, Project Management, Advanced Excel Techniques, SQL, Python, Data Visualization with Power BI & Creating of Excel Dashboard and several other soft skills. He is one of the Best Trainers for Data Analytics Training and is highly sought after for his advice. Contact Vinai for your next Data Analysis Training.

Top 5 Careers Requiring Data Analysis Skills (2021)

Career Options For Data Analysts

Looking for a Lucrative Career that requires Data Analysis skills?

Look no more. Here are the Top 5 Career Choices that can help you stand apart and move ahead, all with the help of Data Analysis Skills.

What Is Data Analysis?

Data Analysis comprises of the tools, techniques, tips & tricks that help you quickly make sense of any piece of data – be it large or small.

So do you need any expensive software or years of experience in Data Analytics?

Not really…

You can easily get started in Data Analysis with a decent knowledge of Advanced Excel Skills.

Data Analysis can be done using one of the several methods:

  • Pivot Tables,
  • the Excel Add-in called Data Analysis Toolpak, or
  • manually, using Statistical functions like Correlation & Regression, T Test, P Test, Anova (Analysis of Variance)

With this knowledge, you are all set to move ahead in these Best Career Choices That Need Data Analysis skill set, in any industry. You can also pick the Top 12 Most Important Excel Functions & Be Productive right away.

Did you know that Data science and Analytics positions are often the hardest ones for a company to fill?

Thanks to exploding demand for data professionals, there are a ton of open roles and not enough candidates to fill them.

In fact, there is a huge shortage of qualified manpower for these Data Analysis Positions.

This means that Data analysis is an exciting field to get into and your career prospects are amazing.

Now, just to clear up a common misconception right off the bat: you don’t need to be a math/computer science/coding whiz to land a job in data analysis.

But do you know that you start a career in data analysis if you have no background in it? All you need is to choose right course and guidance.

The Top 5 careers that rely on Data Analysis:

Career Options For Data Analysts

Popular Careers That Rely on Data Analysis

One really cool thing about gaining data analysis skills is that they don’t lock you into a single career. Sure, you could become a data analyst and stay there for decades if you love it–but there’s also the freedom to pivot in other directions if you choose.

Businesses in nearly every industry use data analytics to power decisions, gain a competitive advantage, boost sales, win new customers, improve internal operations, maximize profits, etc. This makes data analysis skills useful in many roles.

  1. Data Analyst

  • The basics of data analysis involve retrieving and gathering large volumes of data, organizing it, and turning it into insights businesses can use to make better decisions and reach conclusions.
  • To share their findings with business decision-makers, an analyst (or data visualization specialist) may create charts, graphs, etc.


  • You can work in a wide variety of industries like healthcare, finance, marketing, fast food, retail IT, etc. Whatever you are interested in!
  • Average salary: $62,453
  • Demand has exploded for data analysts because we are creating more and more new data every day. For example, Google processes 40,000+ search queries every second on average (3.5M searches each day, 1.2 trillion searches per year).
  • And this continues to climb!
  • Data Analyst ranked #35 in Glassdoor’s 50 Best Jobs in America, 2020
  1. Business Analyst

  • They identify meaningful patterns in data to drive business decisions, working closely with business VPs and senior managers.
  • Their duties may involve predictions, optimizations, risk management, and so forth.


  • A Business Analyst is mostly concerned with the day-to-day operations of a business and how to fine-tune business processes
  • Great if you’re interested in/have a background in business or finance
  • Less science/math based than the traditional data analyst role
  • Average salary: $68,346
  1. Product Manager

  • Product managers own and guide the success of products from conception to launch. Each stage requires data analytics!
  • You must analyze the market for trends and problems to solve, leverage data to determine how to improve features, and figure out how to make the product even better in subsequent versions.


  • All businesses have products (services count!). This opens a ton of possibilities as far as what industry or type of company you can work in
  • Great for those coming from a customer-facing background as you can better understand users
  • Average salary: $108,992
  1. Digital Marketer

  • Digital marketers must understand consumer habits/motivations, detect changing trends, and track performance to improve ads, social media campaigns, and SEO strategies.


  • Successful digital marketers must rely on data!
  • Whether it’s identifying user demographics, measuring clicks and conversions to determine campaign success, or sifting through historical data to choose high-performing strategies, data is important
  • Great hybrid role for someone coming from a content creation, advertising, or traditional marketing background
  • Average salary: $57,473
  1. Quantitative Analyst

  • Quantitative analysts (“quants”) are data analysis professionals who work in the financial industry, leveraging data and data models to manage risk, predict changes in the valuation of stock and bonds, and make data-driven investment decisions.


  • Great if you love math!
  • Perfect role for someone who can’t decide between tech and finance
  • Usually requires a master’s degree in a related field
  • Average salary: $106,751

Intellisoft presents to you a Data Interpretation & Analysis Workshop that is highly practical, where the participants learn by doing several exercises using Predictive Analytics – Correlation, Regression & Modelling Techniques to Analyze and Interpret data.

We also cover advanced Excel data analysis topics like Data Tables, Using Goal Seek, Performing Scenario Analysis, and Advanced Pivot Table techniques in analyzing data within Excel.

Register Online now to learn The Secrets of Data Analysis With Excel, & Be a Power Ninja Data Analyst!

How To Learn Advanced Excel Fast

How To Learn Advanced Excel Fast

Advanced Excel skills are required in most managerial & analyst roles. Yet most people have no clue of how to learn Advanced Excel fast. They don’t know the key features of Microsoft Excel that can help them save time and money.

It’s about time you pick the Most Important & Useful features of Excel quickly. This post coveres the following topics in detail.

  • What is Advanced Excel,
  • Why should you learn it,
  • How to learn Advanced Excel Fast!

Welcome To This Short Guide to Being an Expert in Advanced Excel Skills

Every organization uses Microsoft Excel in their day to day work. Most employees & managers know Excel to some extent. And they are able to survive the day by doing things in one way or another… often the long and inefficient way.

Learning to use Microsoft Excel well goes beyond the basics. That’s where the Advanced Excel skills come in handy.

Microsoft has bundled in hundreds of useful functions and features, that can do wonders, save a lot of time, and improve your efficiency & productivity.

Each new version of Excel is packed with ever richer functionality, and provides more ways to use Excel to its utmost at any workplace.

Microsoft is striving to add those features that can simplify complex things, and make it easier to do data entry, perform computations, and even analyze data & present the insights into actionable information useful for clients and colleagues or the management in nicely created reports and dashboards.

So how come very few people are familiar with these Advanced Excel Features & Functions?

List of Advanced Excel Features
List of Advanced Excel Features

Partly because Microsoft is a software company, and not so much an education company. They add new Excel formulas, features, shortcuts, buttons, charts types, and options, but Microsoft doesn’t spend the time in educating everyone about these new enhancements in the time they deserve.

Microsoft simply blog about it, updates the documentation, and then wait for you to figure it how somehow. Most greatly useful features languish, forgotten in the documentation, hardly ever used…

Also, partly to blame is our education system, which does not start teaching us the key Excel skills that are essential in the job. Almost every student now works on a laptop or a tablet, using documents & spreadsheets for every report, presentation or assignment they do. But our schools often leave you to figure how to be productive with these basic tools.

Very few schools or colleges have mandatory Excel or Word Training.  It’s no wonder that when a fresh graduate joins the workforce, they often take ages to do simple things, stumbling and faltering along their journey to do even basic things in Excel, let alone the Advanced Excel Techniques that are required to be productive.

Why Should I learn Advanced Excel?

That’s a common question for people using Excel at workplace. If you don’t even know what Excel can do, why will you be interested in learning it. You need to see the features to believe it, and to see your own blind spots.

Why Should I learn Advanced Excel?
Why Should I learn Advanced Excel?

Increased Productivity With Advanced Excel Tips & Tricks

If you care about getting the job done faster, without any errors, then it is in your interest to improve your competence in Excel. You don’t have to learn all the 500 plus functions to master Excel. In fact, you can already be more productive if we can know and use more than 10-15% of the Advanced Excel features and functions we have listed below.

Better Job Prospects With Better Excel Skills

New job prospects & Career switch options also open up for those who can manipulate and juggle data easily in Excel. Many higher end analyst jobs in the financial and accounting, sales, marketing, management & consultancy areas require good analytical & decision making skills.

Better Presentations With Excel Charts, Reports & Dashboards

Plus, With Advanced Excel Charts & Reporting features, you can be a star in the boardroom too. Most client presentations will need some amount of data and analysis to be presented, which can easily be analyzed and tabulated in Microsoft Excel, provided you know how to do it quickly.

So now you know the key reasons why you should learn Advanced Excel, you may be wondering, what are the key features of Excel that can considered as “Advanced“.

What Really Are Advanced Excel Skills?

Knowledge of multiple useful features and functions, plus the ability to use them at short notice is what we can call as Advanced Excel skills. To name a few, you must be able to know and perform the following things in Excel well.

Benefits of Learning Advanced Excel
Benefits of Learning Advanced Excel


Setup Columns Quickly using Auto fill options. For example, you can fill Months or Quarters easily by filling in just the first value. Similarly, you can generate sequence numbers from any starting point to any ending number.

Do Quicker Data Entry by using Auto complete of repeating values as Excel picks up the filling values using pattern recognition
Generate Sequence Numbers quickly With Auto Fill & FlashFill options


You must be able to Bring External data into Excel from any kind of source – be it Text files, CSV files, XML, Web Data or Database files. Plus, Excel now makes it easier to bring in data from the Cloud Apps like SalesForce, Zendesk, QuickBooks & over 200 app integrations, from PowerQuery, now built into Excel, from version 2013 onwards.

All is not good just by loading the data. You will have to clean & de-duplicate it. Fill in blanks, handle null or missing values, and then fix the dates to become useable. You’ve often got to convert dates formatted as YYYYMMDD or DDMMYY into something that’s more humane – DD-MMM-YY or MM/DD/YY. Obviously the actual settings will depend on your country, regional settings & preferences. But it is often required. This requires you to use PowerQuery, or use Text functions to extract the date, month or year from strangely formatted dates.


After cleaning the data comes the job of making it easier to read and identify the key data points.
Here comes the Data Formatting options. Formatting Data makes it easier to read and present data. With Conditional formatting options, it is easier to highlight data based on any simple or complex condition or criteria. By highlighting data, you can make it easy to the winners and losers & spot issues and errors. Highlight the highest values, lowest values, values between a range, values outside a range, or set up your own rules, based on calculations.


Good knowledge of Advanced Excel Functions is essential to get more mileage out of Excel. Microsoft’s Excel functions are divided into multiple categories:

Function Groups within Excel
Function Groups within Excel

Lookup Functions like VLookup, Index, Match, Offset, Indirect allow you to find anything from within Excel tables and Master data. Pick the employees name based on Code, or find out who secured the highest or lowest sales numbers.

Statistical Functions like Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Variance allow you to analyze data statistically. You can find out the median, standard deviation or variance, allowing you better insights into the data as to what happened, why it happened, and what is most likely going to happen.

Analysis Functions like Correlation & Regression, Trend Analysis & Forecasting further the statistical functions into forecasting, and allowing you to make better projections, and better decisions based on the happening trends.

Logical functions like If, Sumif, Countif, Iferror allow you do things conditionally – check if a condition is met, add or count based on conditions being met or not met, and even check and handle errors from happening.

Date & Time functions for finding todays date, time, difference between dates, hours, year, month, days, weekdays. This allows you to do time based calculations, buckets of date ranges, and even create ageing analysis based on range values.

Database functions that treat the entire data set as a database, and allow you to aggregate results using Dsum, DAverage, Dmax, Dstdev. This can be useful when working with big data

Text Functions to extract, clean and manipulate data – Left, Right, Mid, Char, Len, Fixed, Trim, TextJoin help in fixing erroneous data, and picking certain batch codes, lot numbers, region or product codes from within serial numbers.

Financial Functions like PV, NPV, PMT, IRR, Accrued Interest, Future Value, Mirr etc. are useful for analyzing the current, present and future value of things. Interest calculation, accruals, monthly installments, interest rates etc. can be easily worked out by using these advanced Financial functions of Excel.


Use the Pivot Table feature of Microsoft Excel, which is the fastest way to get some high level summary from your data set. Pivots allow you to slice and dice the data in numerous ways, and analyze it using different dimensions easily, without writing any formulas or macros. A pivot table is the first thing people turn to when they want some quick analysis or summary on the data.

With the help of Slicers, Timelines, Report Filter Pages, you can look at the same data in multiple ways, multiple dimensions, and in multiple filter flavors.

These are all great ways to analyze information quickly with Excel – a strong reason to learn Advanced Pivot Table techniques of Microsoft Excel.

Use Excel Pivot Tables For Quick Analysis
Use Excel Pivot Tables For Quick Analysis

In fact, knowledge of Pivot tables is often tested in interview questions for jobs requiring a good amount of business analytics. Even in days where most companies world class ERP software with hundreds of canned reports, often raw data is extracted from these ERP packages and combined with external market data, manual forecasts and then analyzed using Pivots.

Competence in Advanced Pivot Table analysis techniques are are must if you want to get into business analytics. Strangely, for the amazing things pivots can do, they are surprisingly easy to master. I often see managers and senior executives surprised at the simplicity, and lament that they missed out on this easy feature for the past several years, relying on junior executives to churn out the reports.

No harm in getting the ground staff to run the reports, but sometimes they do not have the acumen or sensory acuity of understanding the big picture. The juniors often report the obvious, without being able to get that helicopter view of the data.

Pivots are the easy, low hanging fruit that you should begin with, for it brings the biggest bang for the buck. You can easily master it in an afternoon, or in a pivot table masterclass and win an edge with this winning Advanced Excel trick up your sleeve.


Use Excel Pivot Tables For Quick Analysis
Use Excel Pivot Tables For Quick Analysis

Create Charts from raw or summarized data to visualize the information quickly. Multiple columns and thousands of rows make it very difficult to see the big picture and spot a trend.

How To Convert Excel Data into Charts
How To Convert Excel Data into Charts

A visual is worth a thousand words. An Excel chart can depict the past sales of many months or quarters, returned products or problem tickets created/solved each month, and it becomes much easier to spot a trend by looking at a high level chart more than by looking at a sea of rows and columns

There are multiple kinds of charts in Excel that can make boring data look stunning. Choose from Bar & Column charts, Pie & Donuts charts, Waterfall charts or Line Charts. You can also create combination charts showing column and lines at the same time, allowing you to measure 2 different metrics at one time.

Excel charts are easy to master, and there’s a lot to choose from. You can easily format them, add legend, titles, colors, and just about tweak every aspect with a mouse click. Mastering such Excel Charting tips can take you far in the boardroom, with better looking charts & visuals.


Macros are the one Advanced Excel Feature that allows you to extend Microsoft’s products and take them to newer heights. You can create your own functions & automations in Excel to perform multiple steps in a short time, at a single button click.

Macros are heavily used in Banks, financial institution, and in accounts departments of almost each and every company. They are the staple of the data enthusiasts who like to do things just once.

Excel VBA Macros allow you to load new data automatically each month, collate and tabulate multiple sheets & multiple workbooks, and create reports & charts automatically for each new period.

Macros are recorded or written and edited in a special language created by MicrosoftVisual Basic for Applications (VBA) in short.

While learning VBA may take some time, this is the secret weapon that separates the wizards of Excel from the amateurs. Once an Excel macro is written and tested, it can easily be deployed to the masses. Your colleagues and users needn’t know the complexities or the logic of how things are done.

Visualize Data With Excel Dashboards
Visualize Data With Excel Dashboards

For example, you could create your own custom Financial Accounting Software, just by using Excel. Using Forms, you can get the users to key in the sales, expenses, and generate invoices or receipts at a click. And a Cash Flow Statement, a Profit & Loss Statement, or a Balance Sheet could be generated at any time, collating all the data keyed in so far.

This allows the users to get more done with Excel, and everyone doesn’t have to learn the technicalities of generating such reports at any time.

VBA Macro writing and editing skills are considered Advanced, because it requires you to learn the specific way Excel refers objects like workbooks, sheets, rows and columns. VBA is a full blown programming language – allowing you to write loops, conditions, procedures, functions, and tag them to buttons, mouse movements etc.

This one advanced Excel skills can make you indispensable in the whole department. I have known several people who have a clout in the company because of their deep knowledge of the system, and that they have written the backend systems that the company uses in its day to day operations. Such deep knowledge is always in demand.


Today Microsoft Excel is improved and enhanced to allow multiple colleagues and friends to work together on the same file. You can track changes of who did what, and you can even protect the information in such a way that only those authorized to see or edit can do so, protecting information from prying eyes.

Automate Excel With VBA Macros
Automate Excel With VBA Macros

With Advanced Data Protection techniques in Microsoft Excel, you can hide sheets, write protect them to make them view only, or allow only certain rows, columns or cells to be editable. This gives a tremendous advantage while working with multiple people and multiple sheets.

With the integration of OneDrive, you can truly collaborate with your team, having multiple edits and track changes as they happen. It is much easier to edit, pick the changes you like, or remove/revoke changes that you do not approve of.

If you haven’t visited the Review menu of Excel, you’d be surprised with the multiple options available under the hood, that allow for Collaboration, Sharing, Editing & Protection of Documents.


Almost everything you do in Excel has been done before. So if you are making a calendar, or a cash flow report, a monthly report, attendance report, Result of Students, Invoices or Statement of accounts, Expense claims or Employee Leave forms for the team, there is a ready made template to do so.

Not just one, you have hundreds of templates to choose from. These ready made templates are available to any Microsoft Office user to use and save time.

Examples of Excel Templates
Examples of Excel Templates

On top of this, you can create your own company wide or departmental templates, that can be used month after month, quarter after quarter without any changes. Consolidation becomes a breeze if you all use the same template.

Plus, tracking & merging of multiple changes can be done with the hidden Track & Merge option. You can’t find this button in the standard toolbar, and need to enable it separately. A golden gem of a function. Even seasoned pros have been unaware of this super cool advanced excel functionality.

Print Beautiful Reports & Charts With Advanced Excel Techniques of Page Setup

With Advanced Page setup, you can decide what you want printed and what not. You can add headers, footers, page numbers, logos etc. straight out of the box. But Excel goes beyond this into giving you fine control over the rows, columns, and area that will be printed.

You can control whether you want to print grid lines, draft copy or are you printing the final copy. The current date or time can be printed too, along with a lot of meta data – file names, sheet names, page numbers etc. provide you with a fine control. Printing order – collated or by page, and auto fit to handle orphan printing of some columns can be a real paper saver.

Trees will love you for learning and using the page setup options within Excel well.


Advanced Sorting in Excel With Multiple Levels

Almost everyone figures out how to sort data on any column – in either ascending or descending order. But Excel allows you to perform custom formatting – based on your values, and your defined order.
Sorting for multiple, unlimited levels is a boon too. This breaks the limited 3 level sorting of previous versions, allowing you to sort as many levels as you please.

Filters have improved much in the past 10 years. Now you can easily filter the Top 10 or Bottom 10 values, filter by color, filter by values, and even filter by specific text or dates. There filter feature helps you to actually define the period of data or values that you want to focus on, and eliminate the rest. Master this simple feature, and get to your important data points quickly.

Filtering the values to focus on at any given time removes clutter and makes it easy to visualize information in Excel.


Microsoft added the functionality to treat data as a table in Excel 2007. But the name they gave to the button that begins this functionality is a showstopper.

When you look at “Format As Table”, all you’ll see is multiple coloured data tables. And many an Excel enthusiasts pull away, thinking its just colors… They fail to learn the mammoth hidden functionality of Excel beneath this mis-labeled button.

But once you go over this hump, you are on your way to explore gold with Formatted Tables.

Since 2007, Excel Tables have come a long way. Now they have smart range names, auto fill and auto spill ranges, and use range names in calculations. There are several magic cells in Excel Tables, that can perform additional tasks too.

Becoming adept at using Table features of Excel will speed up your analysis.

Further, tables can be filtered, sorted, sliced. For date based data, you can add a Timeline, which is a slicer based of dates, but much better.

There you have it… These are just some of the advanced features of Excel. Learning about additional things like Custom Formatting, Range Naming, Working With multiple Worksheets, or combining data from multiple workbooks, consolidation, What-if analysis, Scenario Manager, Data Tables, Data Validation etc. will take your Advanced Excel knowledge to a much higher level. There is simply too much functionality to talk about in one article.

Suffice is to say that if you want to get done more, cheaper & faster, then learn some of these Advanced Excel Features, pronto!

How long does it take to learn excel?

There is no simple answer when you are beginning to learn a new skills. To learn Advanced Excel tricks is going to be the same too. It also depends on your interest, commitment, and the amount of time you are wiling to spend in learning it.

I would say that learning Advanced Excel tips and tricks is more of a journey.

You learn some concept, begin to apply it, and then learn some more. While learning, you will come across new concepts, see new problems, and seek newer ways to handle these challenges. This step by step approach will open your eyes, develop a keener sense of Excel capability, and develop your Excel muscle step by step, day by day!

I have been a student of Microsoft Excel for the past 30 years. And still I find new things, and new ways of doing the same things. It has been a fun and exciting journey and I love challenges in Excel.

Every once in a while, someone will send me a long and complex looking formula, and dissecting it, understanding it, and learning from it makes us all better. Helping others with their Excel has been one good way that has helped me grow my Excel competence.

Can you teach yourself Excel?

Yes, of course you can teach yourself Excel. And you can even learn Excel at home. All the same, I would recommend a step by step approach in self-learning of Advanced Excel . Based on your interest, it is safe to divide Excel Training into a few sections.

First begin with understanding Range Names, Conditional Formatting, Tables and Pivot Tables.

Then pick up more complex Logical & Lookup Functions to delve deeper.

After this, you can then focus on Financial or Statistical or Date Functions based on interest or usage within your organization.

No point in learning Excel for the sake of learning. You must apply it first. So find a challenging situation within your company or department, and seek to build a solution to fix it is a good way to get started in building your Excel muscles.

It is safe to say that if you begin learning Excel techniques by using this method, in 2-3 months you will see a big improvement in your understanding of Excel.

And in 6 months time you can be at a pretty advanced level in your Excel usage and your added competence will give you more confidence within your organization.

How Can I Learn Advanced Excel Faster?

If you find this route of self-learning difficult or too long, it may be better to develop and learn advanced excel skills in a more systematic and methodical manner.

I would recommend going for a formal training on Microsoft Excel. Based on your level, and interest, you can choose an Advanced Excel Training in your city or suburb. This is the best way to learn advanced Excel.

Most Advanced Excel courses are 2-3 days long, depending on their coverage.

Make sure you join a workshop where lots of exercises and hands-on is provided, and not just a demo of Excel functionality.

It’s because we all learn better by doing it ourselves, rather than just watching someone else do it.

Plus, doing the exercises yourself will expose you to the common pitfalls and mistakes, which can then be rectified with the trainer/facilitator, and with worked examples and samples, you will gain a better understanding of the topics.

Since 2003, ExcelChamp & Intellisoft Systems has been providing short courses on Excel at all levels:-

We also have Excel training for creating management charts and reports – called the Excel Dashboard MasterClass. For those looking to automate Excel, you may choose to enroll in the 3 Day Practical, hands-on, VBA Macro Programming workshop.

What is Advanced Excel Training?

A short Excel training of 2-3 days will cover the key concepts. In such a formal Excel training program, the notes, handouts, exercises & sample examples are readily available for you to begin using immediately.

I personally find learning anything in a short course to be more beneficial. It covers the concepts quickly, and then I can focus on the details based on my interest areas.

Plus the best thing for a formal training is that we have a trainer or facilitator available to ask questions along the way.

Learning in a sheltered environment is better as newbies often stop when they stumble upon initial concepts and often give up completely.

What are the Topics in Advanced Excel Training?

Make sure your chosen Excel training at least covers the most important topics, at the very least. Our 2 day Advanced Excel course in Singapore covers all these, and much more, with practical examples and exercises.

  • Absolute & Relative Referencing
  • Using Range Names
  • Advanced Formulas & Functions
  • Advanced Charting Techniques
  • Using Tables
  • Using Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
  • Sharing & Protection of Data/sheets
  • Consolidating Data From Multiple Sheets/Books
  • Recording and Running Simple Macros

This much can be covered in a 2 full day training if you can attend such a short course. And it can be an eye opener to the rich functionality of Excel.

What is the Best Excel Training Course?

If you are looking for the Best Excel training, look at some key things to consider, like time, speed, convenience & availability. If you can attend classroom training, I’d absolutely recommend it.

But if you are not able to find one in your town, you can opt for online training for Analyzing Business Data by Mastering Pivot Tables to get started first. There are plenty of Online Trainings for Microsoft Excel available. You can also checkout YouTube videos on Excel.

At ExcelChamp.Net, we provide both Classroom and e-learning via Zoom classes for Advanced Excel. You can choose from several dates available. These are extremely popular, and we have over 20+ years of running Excel classes.

All of our trainers come with years of industry experience. They have a passion for training and sharing their tips and tricks of Excel with you. You’d absolutely love our best advanced excel training course.

How Do I Get Excel Certified?

Most Advanced Excel courses will come with a certificate of Attendance. This is sufficient for most people, for real competence in Excel is more important that a certificate. Intellisoft offers such certificate of attendance for all of its 2 day Excel courses & workshops in Singapore.

To boost your resume & build your LinkedIn profile, a well recognized  official certification in Excel is required!

There are 2 major certifications you can choose from

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in several Microsoft technologies. For Excel, you can go for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification. There are 2 levels – Associate and an Expert level. Better to go for the MOS Excel Associate level first, which is an easier Excel Exam. Then opt for the Expert MOS certificate in Excel. Beware that Microsoft certifications are pretty expensive.

Another option is to go for the extremely popular certification from the International Computer Driving License (ICDL Foundation). In Asia, this certificate is available at the Foundation and Advanced levels.

At Intellisoft Training, we are the official partners with Microsoft, and ICDL Asia, and are authorized to administer both the certifications in Excel. You can choose the Microsoft one, or the ICDL one, based on your preference.

The ICDL Certification is widely recognized by the Singapore government ministries. It is a tad cheaper in terms of the exam assessment fee too.

Plus, the Singapore government subsidizes the Advanced Excel Training Fee & Certification fee, allowing permanent residents and Singapore citizens to get certified in Advanced Excel skills. It is considered an Essential skill for office use, and is considered a must have for all office executives, analysts & managers. Do contact us for more information on this.

Next Steps: For Enhancing Your Spreadsheet Skills With Advanced Excel Training

With so much demand for Advanced Excel skills, so rich & useful functionality in Excel, and an easy path to victory with Excel, what are you waiting for. Grab the next chance to explore Excel in greater depths. Enroll in a classroom training, an e-learning training, or attend a Zoom class. Whatever it takes, just get started, right away.

Excel is the secret Swiss Army knife in your data analysis toolbox.

Just imagine, how far you can go with a proper, formal Advanced Excel Training! The opportunities are limitless, and so is your future!

Vinai Prakash
Founder & Master Trainer of ExcelChamp.Net

Protect Cells from Any Unauthorized Changes in Excel

Protecting your Excel Files from any unauthorized changes is crucial.

When you email or share your Excel files with others, there are always chances that they may change some key information, that shouldn’t have been changed.

This can happen because, by default, all cells in Excel are available for modifications by anyone having access to the Excel file.

But the strange thing is that if you were to check Excel’s cell protection setting under Format Cells, you’d find that each cell is marked as Locked.  However, Microsoft is quick to inform you that

Locking cells or hiding formulas has no effect until you protect the sheet.

Quite a strange setting, I believe. However, you can use this setting to your advantage.

Scenario: Preparing a Protected Travel Expense Claim Form in Excel.

Let’s say you are creating a Travel Claim Form for all staff to use in the company when they use their own transport for office meetings or customer visits.

You’d only want the staff to key in their travel expenses, dates, and the type of expenses. You wouldn’t want them to modify the rate which you use to calculate the claim amount. However, you would still want yourself or HR manager to be able to adjust the rate periodically, based on the policy.

To achieve this, you will have to create an Excel Spreadsheet, with careful consideration of the data protection. Your Excel file must have:

  1. Some cells are protected completely (no changes allowed by anyone) These could be formulas and any master data like names of departments, cities etc. More like master data that does not change often.
  2. Some cells that can only be modified by you or HR. These could be the Rate of reimbursement etc. You could even set a password to allow only authorized people with the right password to key in this information.
  3. Some cells that anyone can modify. These would be the cells where the staff is going to key in their expenses. Mostly, such cells would be the ones accepting the data entry values only.

Here are the detailed steps that you can take to protect the information and make a spreadsheet that everyone can use, without fear of getting inadvertent changes to the file, and maintaining full privacy and security.

Step 1: Unlock all Cells in your Excel Template.

To do this, Select All Cells (you can press Control A or press the small rectangle above row 1 on the top-left area of the spreadsheet. Once all cells are selected, right-click to activate the menu, and go to Format Cells. Shortcut is Control 1 for this option.

Now move to the Protection tab, and uncheck the Locked checkbox.

Click OK and come out of this popup. Now all cells are unlocked.

Step 2: Lock the Calculations & Totals Row/Columns

Select the cells that have any calculations. To select multiple cells, highlight them, and hold the Control key to multi-select several formula and total ranges.

Now go to Format Cells by right-clicking, or press Control 1 again. This time, you can check both checkboxes on the Protection Tab. Lock and Hide the formulas and cells completely.

Step 3: Select Cells That can only be modified by authorized Users

Finally, it is time to select the cells that need to be protected from unauthorized changes. So select those cells, again by using the Control Key to multi-select the cells.

Once the cells are selected, go to Format Cells > Protection Tab, and Lock them. Click OK.

Step 4: Set a Password to cells that only an Authorized User can modify.

Go to Review Tab on the Excel menubar. Select Allow Users to Edit Ranges, from the Changes group on this menu.

Click New, and key in a name for the cell range. Set a password that will be required to be keyed in whenever anyone tries to change such cells. You have to key it in 2 times to confirm the password.

Step 5: Protect the Sheet

The previous 4 steps will have no effect until you protect the entire sheet.

To do so, go to Review > Protect Sheet.

You can then, optionally, set a password. Although I say optionally, I’d recommend that you definitely do it as a best practice. otherwise, any user can modify your template, simply by unprotecting the worksheet, make any change, and protect it again.

You will be required to key in the password twice, to confirm that it is the correct password.

Step 6: Test the Protected Sheet, and deploy it.

Now you are ready to test your protected Excel Template.

Users should be able to key in their particulars, expense, mileage etc. But they would not be able to see the formulas behind the calculations.

Neither will they be able to edit or change these totals.

And best of all, they can never edit the reimbursement rate. Even if they click it inadvertently, Excel will ask them for a password.

As for HR, they should have the password set by you. With this password, they should be able to edit the reimbursement rate, and then save the template for use in the future, with the newly revised rates.

Voila, quite a sophisticated Excel template, with worksheet protection, hidden formulas and authorised user-editable cells created in no time.

Give it a try. I’m sure you’d love this simple method to protect your data files from unauthorised changes.

Written By Vinai Prakash,
Founder of ExcelChamp.Net & Intellisoft Systems
Vinai has over 30 years of experience working with spreadsheets and teaches Excel, Advanced Excel, Excel Data Analysis, Excel Dashboarding Techniques at Intellisoft Systems in Singapore, and online at ExcelChamp.Net.





Power BI Creates Left Joins By Default

Microsoft Power BI is a great tool to visualize data quickly and create management dashboards.
We can load data from almost any data source, and create relationships between different tables, just like in a traditional RDBMS (Relational Database).

Join appear as Equal Joins in Power BI.

This means that when we join 2 or more tables, with one table being the dimension table, and the other the Fact table, then the dimension filters the fact table records that match the criteria (which can come from a Dimension Table, Page filter, Report filter, or through the interactions between the different visualizations)

So a Matrix report or a Chart in Power BI will only show values from the Transaction table where the row from the dimension matches.

  • If we want to see all categories from the Product table, we can just select a category.
  • This will display all distinct categories, irrespective of whether there were any sales for these product categories or not.
  • However, as soon as we bring in the Sales Amount from the Sales Fact table, it filters down the sales amount for each category and then summarizes it.
  • This means that only the categories where there were sales will be displayed.
  • And the categories where there are no sales will be ignored and hidden.

But by tweaking the Category to display Values With No Data, we can see all categories, with or without corresponding sales.

See the step by step video to learn how to enable the Show Values With No Data option in Power BI.

I hope you like the tip. Do like it, and subscribe to the ExcelChamp’s YouTube Channel for more PowerBI Tips like this.
